Sunday, June 28, 2009

It should be 5 months.
It used to be 5 months.......

Friday, June 26, 2009

babies' day out

they are my nieces and oh how i love them so much :)
they're just too cute to be true!!

baby keisha

baby luna

baby nikky

you have to admit it, people!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

ninety cup

i'm just too lazy to tell you the whole story intinya kelas 3 nya juara 3 lagi, alhamdulillah.
so here are some photos of us:

paradis 23

paradis 22

on stage

Monday, June 22, 2009

another girls' day out!

went to citos & watched star trek, my friends said that the movie is cool so we decided to watched it.
& it really awesome! especially....

him!!!! oh god i'm in love with chris pine <3

this is me & nisa

& duo silly firda & saras

well well well i had a good time!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

alhamdulillah, ya Rabbi :)

akhirnya gue bokap-nyokap setuju juga gue ips!
sesuai minat, keinginan dan cita-cita hahahaha
insya Allah bisa jadi yang terbaik di ips, amin amin.......

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

read & feel

Finda answered 'As of Now' questions in All About Me.

Your ex and You: still wish could be something.
I love: that m-guy.
My best friend(s): nindya, thata, sheren, nisa, lury, nurin
I don't understand: physics chemistry & biology thingy
I have lost my respect for: backstabber & big liar
Love seems to: untouchable right now.....
I never ever want to lose: him again :"(
I get annoyed when: people who judge me even though they don't know me
I wish: i have second chance with you,m.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

lury's late birthday celebration

setelah hampir 3 bulan yang lalu ketemu terakhir bareng-bareng, hari ini ketemu juga semuanya! hihihi
gue dateng ke mcd spertama sama nurin & nisa, trus disusul nindya dateng sama kiki pacarnya, trus sheren dateng sendiri, dan baru deh terakhir dateng dua bocah lury & thata.
acara ini sebenernya mau ngerayain ulang taun lury yang udah basi sebenernya tanggal 22 mei kemaren, tapi berhubung pada baru bisanya hari ini kumpul semua, jadi baru ditraktirnya sekarang deh.
happy birthday dear, lury! i wish you everything best for your life. baik-baik ya sama amif! <3
and then...... ketemuan sekarang juga buat hmmmm some kind of farewell partynya sheren yang sekitar tanggal 25-an besok mau ke korea buat kejuaraan taekwondo! and she will stay there during 2 months! and when it comes to my birthday, she won't be here & that's too sad :'(
tapi yasudahlah yaaaa yang penting udah ketemu semua dan lepas kangen hehe.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

i wish i could be like them in the future

sex & the city the movie

udah gede bisa gak ya kaya mereka? hahaha amin!

Friday, June 5, 2009

final test : DONE!

akhirnyaaaaa selesai juga semesteran! HAHAHA and here's the recap:

Day 1:
Agama: pgnya lancar, tapi essay yang tentang zakatnya.........
PKN: belajar aja nggak HAHA maaf ya pak asep <3
TIK: pgnya lumayan, essaynya? mail merge dari excel? mana saya tau -____-

Day 2:
B.indo: alhamdulillah lancar :)
Ekonomi: juga alhamdulillah hihihi

Day 3:
B.Jepang: pgnya lancar tapi kok tapi essaynya..... 2 nomer gak keisi! SIALAN
Sosiologi: paling lancarrrrr hahahaha

Day 4:
Matematika: ............................... (fill in the blank) gue bener" blank
Desain Grafis: mirip sama soal" yang dikasih pak bayu sebelumnya wkwk

Day 5:
Kimia: yang jaga pak mochtar wooooy! gimana gak lancar HAHAHA (evil laugh)
Geografi: pgnya lumayan tapi kok essaynya agak susah ya, bu wali kelasku? -,-

Day 6:
Fisika: i'll get my name on remedial list sooner or later :'(
Sejarah: lancar alhamdulillah cuman essay yang disuruh ngejelasin tentang romawi...............
Penjas: cuil! HAHAHA belagu abis

Biologi: ya so so deh, remed" juga paling mentoknya hue

hmmmmmmm semoga ajaaaaaaa yang remed seminimal mungkin ya.